From an early age, I knew I wanted to work with computers in some
form or fashion. There is something so satisfying about building and
that drive to build is what makes programming a true joy.
I am a web developer with a diverse background from art to high
ropes course instruction and construction. I enjoy solving complex
problems in creative ways whether they be in the digital space or
the real world.
Research Pal:
Role - Frontend, Redux
Tech - Redux
Research Pal is a React/Redux-based website that allows a user to
create cards that store links with descriptions, completion
status, and the ability to filter by category. The basis of this
website was to aid in the organization of subjects related to
Collaborated remotely with a team of 2 Web Developers, 3 UX/UI
Designers and 1 Data Scientist to build the fully functional web
application in 2 weeks.
My partner and I were responsible for building cards, filter by
category, login/registration, and authentication.
Made use of Redux's sophisticated state management system to
implement a card based application.
The Hive Stack:
Role - Frontend
Tech - React, Google Maps/Places API
The Hive Stack is a website my team built that addressed the issue
of finding a suitable location to work or relax with great WiFi,
especially when traveling. This website allowed a user to search
for nearby locations which then displayed location cards and a map
for easy searching.
Collaborated remotely with a team of 7 Web Developers with each
member taking on multiple roles over the course of 3 months to
build the framework for a complex web application.
My partners and I were responsible for implementing Google's
Maps/Places API within our website, autocomplete search, card
filter, location cards, and a map with location markers.
Google Maps/Places API was used for map display, place data, and
autocomplete search. Other technologies used include React,
Firebase for authentication, and PostgreSQL/Knex for the
Use My Tools:
Role - Backend
Tech - SQLite3
Use My Tools was a website my team built that would allow a user
to borrow tools from others nearby to them. I contributed basic
CRUD functionality to this project.
Collaborated remotely with a team of 2 Web Developers and 2
Backend Developers over 2 weeks.
My partner and I were responsible for implementing a backend
with endpoints for registration/login, tool retrieval, tool
posts, tool deletion, and tool update.
Made use of SQLite3 as our RDBMS, Knex for query building,
Express for routing, and Bcrypt and JWT for authentication.
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Express
- React
- Redux
- Python